Understanding the World/ Science/ Topic



Spring Term 

This half term in science we are looking at everyday materials. We are going to be looking at the different properties of materials and their uses. We carried out an investigation to find out the most suitable materials for an umbrella. We have also looked at how we can chage the shape of materials by squeezing, squashing, stretching and twisiting. 

Below are some pictures of the children carrying out their waterproof investigation for an umbrella.


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Autumn Term 

In Science we are looking at  animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults.  We are going to find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans for survival (water, food and air).

Describe the importance of human of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene.  

We carried out an experiment to see what the best way to wash our hands was. We used glitter and pretended we had germs on our hand and some of us washed their hands with just water, some of us wiped their hands with a paper towel and some of us used soap and water. 




  We have talked about how to keep our bodies healthy and the importance of  exercise. We worked witha partner and carried out a fast exercise for 30  seconds and a slow one. After each we listened to our breathing and felt our beat and talked about the differences. 

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Spring Term 1

This half term we have had a history focus we have been looking at changes to daily life. We have looked at how communication and technology has changed from when our parents and grandparents were younger.  We have compared houses from then to now. We had a visit from some grandparents, we asked them lots of questions and found out lots of interesting facts.  
















Autumn 2

This half term we have a history focus and will be look at Remembrance and War.  We will start by looking at the first world war and what countries where involved. We will look at the life of Walter Tull and how he is remembered for his time in the first world war. Children will learn about the importance of animals in the war and will look closely at the life of Cher Ami. We will talk about Remembrance and the importance of poppies.



Autumn 1 

Our topic this term is Our Country we will be using atlas to find England and the other countries that are in the Uk. We will be looking at capital cities and famous landmarks. We will create our own fact file about one of the UK countries.  we will aslo compare the capital city London with the capital city Brasillia 



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Antrobus St Mark's CE Aided Primary School

School Lane, Antrobus, Northwich, Cheshire CW9 6LB

Great Budworth

School Lane, Great Budworth, Northwich CW9 6HQ

A Price | Bursar

Antrobus Primary School - Miss Rhian Perry: Acting Head

Great Budworth Primary School - Mrs Rachel Corradine: Acting Head

Mr Mike Hathway | (SENDCO)