Our Vision and Values
Our Vision
Our historic schools are nestled in the Cheshire countryside, founded upon the principles of the Church of England, to serve the community, with Christian values at the heart of all we do.
We offer pupils a caring, nurturing environment, where we endeavour to inspire and develop each unique child to reach their full potential, encouraging faith, hope and love of God. Our diverse and creative curriculum ensures a love of the world around us, a love of learning and a love of one another.
‘Love one another, as I have loved you.’ John 13 v 34
Our core christian values are faith, hope, love, compassion, friendship and courage but through our daily worships we follow the 'Roots and Fruits' scheme which covers 12 key Christian Values over a period of 2 years.
This enables us to spend half a term on each value, celebrating on Friday together in celebration worship where our 'Good Samaritan Awards' are given out to those who have demonstrated that they are living out their Christian Values in daily life.
Our pupils enjoy celebrating God's goodness to us in many ways and are encouraged to take an active role in our times of Daily Collective Worship. We have a prayer station in every classroom, and children become familiar with the Lord's Prayer,
saying grace before school meals and in praying at the end of each day.
We have an ethos group who work closely alongside our RE lead to ensure the prayer stations are changed regularly throughout the year and that daily collective worship is always prepared and ready for 9am.
We are proud of our links with the local and wider church. We regularly hold school services in our village church St Mark's and we invite all member of our school and village community to join us. Our Vicar is Rev Alec who is also the vicar for our sister school Great Budworth and St Mary's Church.
Our school comes under the Chester Diocese Board of Education. With their support, we seek to ensure that all children achieve the best of which they are capable in a caring atmosphere that recognises the special gifts of each individual.
The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all is fostered within a Christian environment. We provide many opportunities for spiritual development with staff working hard to ensure all pupils have the opportunity to access personal spiritual growth whether that is through forest school and outdoor sessions or humour and laughter. We have recently developed a 'wonder wall' where we encourage staff and pupils to ask 'big questions' and to discuss amongst each other. This is located in our school hall where all can access, read and add to it over the year.
Our school is a place where the beliefs and practices of other faiths will always be respected.
Throughout the week we also award 'Hot Chocolate' rewards in line with our behaviour policy where children are invited to take time away from class and to have a hot chocolate or milkshake reward for their hard work and love for learning alongside one another.