
Spring term

Reception and nursery children have really enjoyed balancing and learning diffrerent movements to create a dance. They really enjoyed wearing super hero masks and prenting to be super heroes whilst they danced.

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Year one children have been learninf different dance routines and rythms to create their own dance from the 1960's. They really enjoyed  learning the hand jive!



Autumn term 

This term we will be learning how to participate in small sided team games that focus on attacking and defending. We will do this by playing football

Our Reception and Nursery children will have a separate PE lesson on a Wednesday afternoon where we will be focussing on listening skills and fundamental movement. How can we move our bodies in different ways like walk, run, skip, hop, crawl etc.

Our Year 1's have two PE sessions a week. On a Wednesday for this half term we will be focusing on bat and ball skills. 

Both of these sessions will be joint with Class 2 so the children have the opportunity to work alongside older pupils aswell as the younger EYFS pupils.

Weekly photos and videos can be found on our school Twitter. 


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Every day is an open day. Please contact the school office to book in a visit to our lovely school. Love one another; as I have loved you. John 13:34
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Antrobus St Mark's CE Aided Primary School

School Lane, Antrobus, Northwich, Cheshire CW9 6LB

Great Budworth

School Lane, Great Budworth, Northwich CW9 6HQ

A Price | Bursar

Antrobus Primary School - Miss Rhian Perry: Acting Head

Great Budworth Primary School - Mrs Rachel Corradine: Acting Head

Mr Mike Hathway | (SENDCO)